Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Citrus takes Manhattan

Classic Manhattan, but sweet and citrusy. Bourbon, sweet vermouth...Blood orange bitters. I lik the packaging on this bottle. And a cute lil' clementine. A blood orange would be even better, for a total theme, but I had a ton of these little suckers in my fridge already. So clementine it is.Slice off a twist...Pop it in a highball with as many maraschino cherries as your drink recipient requests.Get a cocktail shaker and measure in 2 ounces bourbon.Plus a half an ounce of vermouth.And just a dash of bitters.
Halve your clementine and juice it into the shaker.
Add lots of ice...And shake it for your dog!They love it. Pour out into your highball glass, over the cherries and clementine peel.An old fashioned drink...I have also been known to add a little grenadine for ruby color and even more sweetness.

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