Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving this year was unusually full of people and kind of an extra big deal. I have lots of pictures but not many words to describe it (by the way, if there are any particularly good photos, it means that Brian probably took them). Marilyn and Steve came from Michigan with baby Eliana, and Jocelyn and Nick were here from Philly. This means I had tons of advance help with everything and that the work went so quickly and with so much fun that I would have been happy just standing around prepping ingredients with my girls in celebration of the holiday, even if we never had our feast at the end. This is one of those windows of time where friends can come together with more grace and simplicity than family, and it was a really lovely time. Many of my favorite people came over for dinner and to hang out all night and I felt extremely fortunate.

There was plenty of chopping to do the night before but fortunately we had just gone out for barbecue at Fox Bros so we were up for it.

We made those brown sugar bacon nuts for cocktail snacks. You gotta get that bacon really crispy. It takes teen abstinence vampire strength to resist it while it cools in all its brown sugaryness.Jocelyn made ginger maple cake. It would have been gingerbread but we forgot to get molasses. Delicious anyway.I split the skin on my turkey while I was flipping it, which was too bad. It ended up looking fine though. Katie can make some amazing stuffed mushrooms. Actually, she's a pie genius too.We are considering a Pie And Gravy business of some kind.Most were things I have made before--fennel salad and brussels sprouts from last year, succotash from this past summer.The cranberry-tangerine port sauce is from last year and I made maple-glazed tempeh for our veggie friends from a recipe at 101 Cookbooks along with spiced quinoa.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Looks and sounds delicious. I very much agree with you on the friend comment. I love celebrating holidays with friends. Happy belated Thanksgiving!
